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Award-winning campaign aiming to build awareness of HSBC Asset Management’s multi-asset investment strategy and new ESG funds

Award-winning campaign aiming to build awareness of HSBC Asset Management’s multi-asset investment strategy and new ESG fundsdevice


The impact of COVID-19 combined with market volatility has created challenges for retail investors.  The campaign introduced HSBC Asset Management’s Global Sustainable Multi-Asset Income Fund and reinforced the benefits of an ESG investment strategy as a means of balancing investment risk the with potential for investment returns. The key objective was to create awareness and understanding of the new fund amongst individual investors.

360 degree media strategy to engage a broad retail audience


The heart of the media solution was to deliver a high-frequency and high-share of voice (SOV) campaign. The campaign utilised OOH in CBD and high-income household areas as well as a wide-reaching multi-media content and digital strategy. The focus was to communicate the benefits of ESG investing as a key investment trend and drive top-of-mind awareness through the use of high-reach publications and titles to discuss the ESG issues and the wider benefits. Multi-digital channels were used to widen exposure and engagement, including an interactive mini game to further drive product consideration and educate the audience.

Unique reach
increase in website page views
increase in website traffic during mini game
Multi-channel, award-winning campaign delivering high engagement and cost efficiency
outcome image


The campaign was well received by the market, driving enhanced engagement scores and winning “the Best Media Campaign – Targeted Audience” at the Spark Awards for Media Excellence 2022.  Using innovative techniques such as the mini game further boosted interaction rates and website traffic compared to other HSBC Asset Management campaigns.

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